‘If we're really lucky, perhaps other closeted bisexual celebrities will follow her example and come out as well.’.‘Elizabeth's secret is that she is a closeted lesbian.’.‘I just finished writing a graphic memoir about my closeted gay dad and what it was like growing up with him.’.‘It can help provide a sense of pride for young and closeted gays and offer models of courage, creativity and achievement for young gays to emulate.’.‘His short, powerful speech told the assembled psychiatrists what it was like to be a closeted gay doctor in a field that still classified him as mentally ill.’.‘The magazine ignites a national debate about the merits of outing closeted gay public figures.’.‘Both closeted and out gay men and lesbians agree that tolerance for individuals doesn't always extend to public issues.’.‘For the closeted gay men and lesbians serving in the military, it must evoke complete terror.’.‘It promotes a positive message to closeted gays and skeptical heterosexuals to counter and neutralize the negative messages promoted by anti-gay elements.’.